Is, will be the speed you will be downloading at. Guide we assume that whatever the maximum speed of your internet line The speed of your internet and the speed of your hard drive. Now changing this setting to a high number depends on two main things. you will see a tick box that says 'Override automatic cache size' and

Source: Comment in Reddit /r/torrents post, 'uTorrent Trouble: "Disk Overload 100%"', by user, lolibattlemech Anything after that is suspect.Set uTorrent to be like this in Preferences » Advanced » Disk Cache: 1.6 Standard is the last REAL version of Utorrent. Simply looking at who bought the program and who is now updating the code should be enough to convince anybody that the Utorrent we knew is gone. The backlash against Utorrent is not FUD. Too bad it wasn't made Open Source so someone could continue on the work in the right way. Bearshare, Utorrent, what's next? They are letting their money do the fighting for them and have ruined what was a fantastic product. If the RIAA and MPAA can't kill 'em, they buy 'em and reprogram them. Whatever happens from this point forward is no longer something he's involved in, I believe. I don't see why anybody would want to, especially with the original author no longer coding the program. I for one do not wish to support ANY effort by someone so chummy with the RIAA and MPAA, period. If you wish to use Utorrent, I'd simply say stay with the 1.6 Standard final version and do not use anything after that release. The fact that Utorrent is now owned and being updated by people that have signed agreements with the RIAA and MPAA and NOT the original programmer, should give anybody pause. That version should be safe I believe and is still an excellent client. Utorrent 1.6 Standard, the last final build, was done before the company was purchased and the new code written.